
We Are Professional

Vehicle Tracking

AVIS (Automatic Vehicle Identification System) is an RFID based system for managing the Entry /Exit flow of vehicles in premises or boundaries. The premises are secured with barriers that have RF readers installed.

AVIS is a very fast and secure long range Identification system that manages and identifies vehicle and driver activities.

Issues faced while managing vehicle access:

  • Inaccurate In/Out entries.
  • Inability to locate unauthorized vehicle entry.
  • Inability to control speed in entry and exit.
  • Vehicle security and non-compliance.
  • Inability to prevent theft from Weighing Bridge.

Benefits from Eco- AVIS:

  • Fully automatic RFID based system for accurate vehicle In and Out entries.
  • Absolute reliability as there is no human dependency at check points.
  • Zero waiting time for vehicles reduces time wastage and emissions.
  • Eco- AVIS displays all the data and records accurately in real time.
  • Ability to capture and register data of standing of moving vehicles.
  • Checks unauthorized entry of vehicles by using buzzer and boom barrier.
  • Authentication driver and vehicle via Eco-Tag Mapping Technology.
  • Remote control over vehicle’s speed through Eco-speed Enforce Technology used in gates.
  • Accurate report generation of different types on periodic (customised) basis.
  • Easy integration with other existing system like BMS (Building Management systems), SAP etc.
  • Easy and reliable remote handling (storage and retrieval) of huge data digitally within a blink of an eye.

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